Family Homelessness/ Displacement & Trauma Research

UNANIMA International’s Research into Family Homelessness/ Displacement and Trauma is among the first of its kind in this thematic area to happen at the international level. Working with our major partners, Sophia Housing, Dublin and New York University (NYU), as well as various smaller partners and contributors, UNANIMA International is collecting qualitative and quantitative data that will be used to further advocate for people experiencing Homelessness and Displacement. It is hoped that this research and advocacy will promote a paradigm shift where Homelessness and Displacement are seen not as a personal failure but rather the structural failure and Human Rights violation that they are. As advocates for individuals and families experiencing Homelessness and Displacement, UNANIMA International is trying to bring the voices of women and children from around the world to the global stage. Following the mantra “Don’t talk about us, without us” UNANIMA International has the opportunity to act as a bridge that enables people experiencing these issues at the local level to be heard by those who have a say at the International and National level. In order to achieve this, we are working with our grassroots members and partners globally to bring the voices and faces of the hidden faces of homelesness to the United Nations. As well as individuals with a lived experience we hope to collate inputs from people working as service providers, in policy, and gather the experiences and perceptions of the issues from the wider community. Any donation you are able t make will go towards ensure this can happen!